How to give Love to your Sacral Chakra


Seems to me that a lot of people are healing Sacral Chakra issues these days + it made me think of all the things I do regularly to give my Sacral Chakra love.

The Sacral was the first Chakra I started to work on when the Chakra work came into my life + its balancing has brought me immense joy + freedom.

In Acting with the Chakras, there is an entire module centered around the Sacral Chakra, including how to embody the 3 Chakra States, journaling prompts for deeper excavation + healing practices to further you along on your journey.

All at your own pace + accessible for life. Payment plans available to support your budget. Head here for more info!

What do you do to give Love to your Sacral Chakra? ๐Ÿ‘‡ Iโ€™d love to hear from you

Missy Cross